Hi, my name is Dermot Kenny, FWC founder and director.

I left Ireland in the early eighties, a young naïve product design graduate, for a job in China. The contrast between working conditions at home and those in Asia struck me immediately. And so, when the movement for ethical and responsible trade began to gather momentum in the nineties, I signed on at the first opportunity. My earliest experience in factory audits came in China, almost thirty years ago. HRDD, and my own journey, have come a long way since.

Nowadays, the sun never sets on FWC. We operate in some of the world’s most testing and least regulated markets. Our team of multinational HRDD professionals continue to fight the good fight in more than seventy countries.

FWC has earned the trust of many like-minded companies with whom we now partner; I would welcome many partners more. You might be one of them. Thank-you.